How To Care For Your Sustainable Swimsuit
Swimsuits are constantly subjected to the toughest conditions and are frequently discarded after each summer, despite the fact that the lifespan of a garment depends on both the quality of the item and how we care for it. This not only results in overflowing landfills but also harms the environment. Swimwear that hasn't been properly cared for may leak microplastics into the atmosphere and ocean, damaging the planet.
Although swimwear is a staple of our summer clothing, it is usually ignored when it comes to proper maintenance. Every year, we not only upgrade to the latest trend but also carelessly discard them, failing to take into account the environmental consequences of our handling of them.
How do you reduce microfibers in laundry?
Synthetic swimwear, when laundered in machines, can release microfibers into our oceans. The high heat and abrasion of dryers can further degrade the environment.
The environmental impact of microfibers has been a growing concern in recent years. These tiny synthetic fibers come off clothing, blankets, and other textiles during the washing process, ending up in our waterways, oceans, and even our food chain. Although the extent of the problem is immense, there are still ways to reduce the effect of microfibers on the environment.
For instance, washing less often, running full loads, using a microfiber wash-bag, avoiding delicate cycle settings, and line-drying clothes whenever possible are all strategies to lower the number of microfibers released during the washing process.
As spring officially begins and the days start to get warmer, it's important to focus on taking good care of our swimwear. After all, it's the one item of clothing that's been specifically designed to withstand the sun and the water, so it needs the right kind of TLC to keep it looking its best. That's why it's essential to properly store, rinse and even dry your swimwear after each use, no matter how short the swim session was.
Storing your swimwear in a dry and airy place away from direct sunlight is key, as well as making sure to rinse off any chlorine, salt water or sand residue after each use. If you're using a washing machine, it's best to use a gentle cycle and a mild detergent. And if you're drying your swimsuit, avoid using the dryer and opt for laying it flat instead. Taking good care of your swimwear will help it last longer, so you can enjoy more warm days in the sun!
How To Clean And Take Care Of Your Swimsuit
Here are some tips for proper maintenance to extend the lifespan of our swimwear and protect our planet:
Rinse immediately after use. Sunblock and body oils can damage the fabric, so rinse your swimsuit as soon as possible in cool tap water after each use. If you have time, soak the suit in cool water for 30 minutes to remove most of the chemicals, salt, sand, and body oil.
Hand wash. Machines can agitate delicate parts of swimwear, causing damage. Use a mild hand soap or a detergent meant for delicates and rinse thoroughly. Avoid using standard laundry detergent.
Dry gently. Don't wring out the water, as this can damage the fibres. Instead, lay the suit out on a towel, roll the towel up and squeeze gently, then lay the swimsuit out to dry. Avoid drying it in direct sunlight, which can fade the colour.
Keep it cool. Hot water and hot tubs are not good for swimwear. Avoid washing your swimsuit in hot water and limit hot tub use to protect the fabric.
Prep a new suit. Soak a new swimsuit in a mixture of vinegar and water for 30 minutes before wearing it to prevent the dye from bleeding.
Be mindful of your surroundings. Whenever you're sitting on rough surfaces, sit on a towel or wrap yourself in a sarong to protect your swimwear from snags and tears.
Reuse, recycle, or donate. If your swimsuit is still in good condition but no longer fits your style, consider organizing a clothing swap with friends or donating it to charity.
Invest in Sustainable Swimwear
By taking care of our high-quality swimwear and making sure to dispose of it in an environmentally-friendly way, we can not only extend the life of our clothing but also help to preserve our planet. Let's be conscious of the impact that we have on the environment, invest in swimwear that is made with quality materials, and commit ourselves to protect Mother Earth. Not only will this help to reduce the burden on our environment, but it can also help to ensure that we enjoy our swimwear for longer.
By investing in slow fashion, sustainable clothing brands and mindful practices, we can reduce the carbon footprint associated with the production of our clothing, thereby furthering our positive environmental impact. So, let's take the time to be mindful of our actions and make a concerted effort to protect our planet.